Lee County Chancery Clerk
How Do I?
An Attorney is NOT required. Visit the Access to Justice website, www.msatjc.org, for more information.
An Attorney is required. Visit the Access to Justice website, www.msatic.org, for more information.
You can come in and request public records. Furnishing copy fees apply.
Contact the Lee County Chancery Court Administrator (662-432-2130) or contact your attorney.
Yes, we do offer notary services. A picture ID is required of the person(s) signing. Free of charge.
An Attorney is recommended to initiate filing of a restraining order.
Adoption records are sealed. Contact your Attorney to obtain records.
The fee for copies made by the public is $.25 per page. The fee for copies made by our staff is $.50 per page. There is an additional fee of $1.00 for certifying a copy of a document.
Requests for copies sent by mail must be accompanied by check or money order covering the cost of the copies and a stamped self-addressed envelope. The request should reasonably identify the document to be copied.
Checks should be made payable to the Lee County Chancery Clerk.
-Divorce Records
-Youth Court
-Land Disputes
A property deed is necessary to claim a property. It is used to transfer ownership of a property from one individual to another. To file a deed, bring the deed and a $26 fee in the form of cash or check to Chancery Clerk office. If the deed is more than five pages long, an additional fee of $1 per page will be charged upon filing.
Also a 3 inch margin must be left at the top of the page or an additional $10 fee will be charged.
Many times, a person is committed upon request from the sheriff’s office or police department for mental or alcohol and/or drug addiction problems. To request commitment for a loved one on your own, you must visit the office of the Chancery Clerk. No appointment is needed to visit the Chancery Clerk’s office and obtain information on how to file a commitment.
All divorce filings take place in the office of the Chancery Clerk. Each individual filing for divorce must have a Civil Case Filing Form and the filing fee. This fee can be paid in cash or check.
If you file for divorce without your spouse’s knowledge, they will be notified once a summons is issued. You do not need your spouse’s consent to file for a divorce unless you file on the grounds of Irreconcilable Differences.
Frequently Asked Questions:
We take Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit/Debit cards (2.9% fee added to total). These forms of payments are taken for all land transactions, delinquent taxes and court cost. You may also pay your execution fee for passports with any of these payments but only check or money orders will be accepted by the passport agency.
Monday – Friday 8AM to 5PM
Yes, land records are available for public inspection from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
No, we don’t have any forms for land records.
Signature of sellers) notarized
- Legal description with indexing instructions
- Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of sellers, buyers, and deed preparer
If you purchase and occupy property before January 1st, you are eligible to apply for Homestead Exemption in the Tax Assessor’s office – filing period January 1st through April 1st. Filing for Homestead Exemption reduces your taxes tremendously. If you are eligible, please be sure and take advantage of these savings.
We collect prior year delinquent taxes for the previous two years. We also provide any information for taxes that have gone to sale or have matured to buyer after the two-year period has expired.
-Divorce Records
-Youth Court
-Land Disputes
A property deed is necessary to claim a property. It is used to transfer ownership of a property from one individual to another. To file a deed, bring the deed and a $26 fee in the form of cash or check to Chancery Clerk office. If the deed is more than five pages long, an additional fee of $1 per page will be charged upon filing.
Also a 3 inch margin must be left at the top of the page or an additional $10 fee will be charged.
Many times, a person is committed upon request from the sheriff’s office or police department for mental or alcohol and/or drug addiction problems. To request commitment for a loved one on your own, you must visit the office of the Chancery Clerk. No appointment is needed to visit the Chancery Clerk’s office and obtain information on how to file a commitment.
All divorce filings take place in the office of the Chancery Clerk. Each individual filing for divorce must have a Civil Case Filing Form and the filing fee. This fee can be paid in cash or check.
If you file for divorce without your spouse’s knowledge, they will be notified once a summons is issued. You do not need your spouse’s consent to file for a divorce unless you file on the grounds of Irreconcilable Differences.
Meet the Chancery Clerk
Bill Benson
Bill received his accounting degree from the University of Mississippi.
Bill has been the Lee County Chancery clerk since 1992. Before his current role, Bill gained experience in two previous county positions. He was the Monroe County Administrator from 1988 to 1992 and the County Auditor and Division of Technical Assistance for the State Auditor's Office from 1981 to 1987.